Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Group Photo of the Blazers

Here's a photo of all of us outside the Blazers. We're working on our blog, posting our first entry.

A day at the blazers

[Below Mr. Curl teaching photo class]

Being at the blazers is fun, there are many things you can do.For example, they have computer classes were you can learn how to type or just have fun, they also have photography classes and digital video classes(these three are my favorite classes).Its fun being at the blazers because, you are treated like at home (which is awesome).The teachers are cool, they treat you like family,and I would say that you would want to come to the blazers. Coming here everyday is fun.

"Creative stuff we do"

We do art,digital video,tennis,and homework Let me tell you how we do art. Our teachers have ideas allways four us to do. For our week we had fun on that week and on this day we had water day.And here is a quote, "everyday there is a day of learning at the blazers"